Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My immortal friends

My high school life sucks! really. Oh well just because I never had enough chance and time to enjoy my high school life. Oh sucks! Might wanna know why? It's just that, those were the years that I am too aggressive on the little thing called LOVE. hmmm. yeah my first love.. and... second.. haha! enough of that... There are still lots of things that I may consider worthy of being a teenager (on my high school days)..

I am flattered that I still am considered as one of the member of these crazy morons who boldly call themselves Immortals. hell yeah! I'm one of them. hekhek.! They are my friends since high school fyi. This group was composed of a uniquely self proclaim freaks. Like, the horse, the cock, the charcoal, the saliva, the celebrity, the blabberawrerawr (talkative), The coconut fruit, the killer smile(it's me!), the Vegetable, the MVP. and Etc. A total package of crazy ass people.

We started out on our sophomore days, playing basketball every after dismissal. Later become a habit to play even on weekends at the very early morning..

Although we already said farewell to our Alma-matter and now have different priorities in life, our friendship still continues as we always find ways to reach out with each other and at least spend some quality time together for at least once a year and or even just a bucket of beers does do.

I'm hungry son of a b*tch... Photo by: luke (ulok) Molina

These people may be as crazy as fuck, but we know we can count on each other whenever there will be some problems heaping to any.

I want to thank you buds, for counting me in as one of your friends.. Let's have a toast to that.!